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Friday, January 28, 2011

Train, Train, GO AWAY!!!

I have never complained about something via blog.  Well, there is a first time for everything, and that first time is today.
My apartment is RIGHT on the train tracks.  Back in Oregon, a train goes by maybe once a day.  Not here.  No, this train is scheduled to pass through town every hour on the hour.  Even at night.  When I am trying to sleep.
I am so frustrated with this darn train.  I have been back in Texas for two weeks, and have not slept a wink.  The train comes by and not only shakes my house, but the horn is so dang loud it scares me to the point of falling out of bed. 
To add to the frustration, every Monday and Wednesday night when I head back from class, the train goes by, so I have to stop and wait for it.  And wait.  And wait.  And wait.  All while it's blaring it's 9208341024 decebil train "whistle." 
The part that really gets me is the fact that I signed my lease for an apartment on the opposite side of the complex.  The side where there's a forest and bunnies and flowers and rainbows.  I'm not sure how I ended up over here.  And frankly, I'm not super thrilled about it.
Anyway, I'm going to pack up and head to the Robotics Society Meeting before the train can get me.

Random Fact: Goldfish can live over 20 years.