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Friday, January 28, 2011

Train, Train, GO AWAY!!!

I have never complained about something via blog.  Well, there is a first time for everything, and that first time is today.
My apartment is RIGHT on the train tracks.  Back in Oregon, a train goes by maybe once a day.  Not here.  No, this train is scheduled to pass through town every hour on the hour.  Even at night.  When I am trying to sleep.
I am so frustrated with this darn train.  I have been back in Texas for two weeks, and have not slept a wink.  The train comes by and not only shakes my house, but the horn is so dang loud it scares me to the point of falling out of bed. 
To add to the frustration, every Monday and Wednesday night when I head back from class, the train goes by, so I have to stop and wait for it.  And wait.  And wait.  And wait.  All while it's blaring it's 9208341024 decebil train "whistle." 
The part that really gets me is the fact that I signed my lease for an apartment on the opposite side of the complex.  The side where there's a forest and bunnies and flowers and rainbows.  I'm not sure how I ended up over here.  And frankly, I'm not super thrilled about it.
Anyway, I'm going to pack up and head to the Robotics Society Meeting before the train can get me.

Random Fact: Goldfish can live over 20 years.


As seen in my previous blog, I have quite a busy schedule.  Many people have asked me how I keep from pulling my hair out.  I have a few simple steps to optimal organization.

1.  Planners, Planners, Planners!
I carry a 2010-2011 planner with me at all times.  It has an entire month calendar as well as a daily schedule.  In my planner, I write down test dates (as soon as they are given to me), homework (the date it is assigned, as well as the date it is due), appointments, gym time, and friend time.  When something has happened, say I completed a homework assignment, I check it off. 
I also use the calendar on Microsoft Outlook.  It sets reminders for me, and the color-coding makes it easy to see when I have a test or an assignment due.

2.  Folders
In the past, I used one single notebook for all of my classes.  My notes were organized by date, not by class.  That method got pretty confusing.  This semester, I carry a Five Star expanding file, with a separate folder for each class.  The folders have brads in them so I can easily secure loose-leaf paper and handouts.  The syllabus stays in the left-hand pocket of the folder for easy access to the itenerary.  In the very front of the expanding file, I keep my planner, loose leaf paper, and... Résumés!!  I've met too many potential contacts without a résumé on hand.  Now I am prepared at all times!

3.  Notes
In many of my classes, the Powerpoint presentations are available online before the lecture.  I have found it much easier to print out the presentation BEFORE class so I can take notes on it.  Rather than trying to copy down the slides, I can listen to the professor clarify them.

4.  Motivation
Procrastinating is the enemy of every college student.  It's so easy to say, "Oh, a concert?!  My homework can wait.  Oh, a movie?!  My homework can wait.  Oh, shopping?!  My homework can wait."  Then it's 5AM the day that the homework is due, and you're fighting to get it done.  It's much easier to get the assignment done before making plans; then I can enjoy the rest of my week(end) without worrying about everything I need to do!

Random Fact: The word "dinosaur" was coined by Sir Richard Owen, who also founded the Natural History Museum in London, England. "Dinosaur" means terrible lizard, and is based on the Greek words "deinos" (terrible) and "sauros" (lizard)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Back to school, back to school, to prove to dad that I'm not a fool!

What a great break!  I got to do everything from ice skating to tubing to snowboarding to seeing the traveling Broadway production of Grease to making Norwegian potato pancakes!  Alas, it is all over, and school is back in session.  I've got quite a course load this year!  Each of the course descriptions come directly from the UNT Course Catalog.

EENG 2620: Signals and Systems:
This course introduces elementary concepts of continues-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Specific topics include linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, impulse response, convolution, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, frequency-domain analysis of LTI systems, Laplace transforms, z-transforms, rational function descriptions of LTI systems, and principle of sampling and modulation.

EENG 3510: Electronics 1
The course covers fundamental device characteristics including operational amplifiers, diodes, MOS field-effect transistor, and bipolar junction transistor. The main goal is to present the students to the concept of modeling and analysis of modeling as applied to electronic devices and circuits.

EENG 4010: Topics in Electrical Engineering
Technical elective course specifically designed by the instructor each term / semester to cover the topics in the laterst state-of-the-art technology advancements in electrical engineering.

EENG 1920: Introduction to Electrical Engineering
This course provides the students the foundation necessary for the successful execution of electrical engineering design projects.  The design process embodies the steps required to take an idea from concept to successful design.  These steps include the requirements specification, architectural model, concept generation and evaluation, feasibility study, functional decomposition, design, testing, an overview of ethical and legal issues, and maintenance.  Technical design tools, such as MATLAB, VHDL and Spice software, critical to designing a project are introduced.  Small projects using these design tools are implemented.  A final project requires team work, an oral presentation, and a written project report.

EENG 2910: Digital System Design
Digital system design projects that provide students substantial experience in logic analysis, design, logic synthesis in VHDL, and testing.  Project documentation including all the phases of project cycle from requirement analysis to testing as well as a project presentation providing the students an opportunity to enhance their communication and presentation skills, are essential components of this course.  Instructor may choose to include a mini-project for breadboard implementation with discrete components as a part of this course.

SPAN 3090: Advanced Spanish Grammar 1
In-depth study of selected areas of Spanish grammar for third-year students, particularly verbal aspect and mood, spelling and punctuation, and agreement.

Whew!  It should be a pretty interesting year.  I also plan on mentoring high school students again and giving tours of our fabulous campus.  I'm also going to be looking for a co-op in the DFW area.  In my next blog I'll discuss some ways that I stay organized with all that I've got going on. 

Random Fact:  Before toothpaste was invented people used all kinds of dry, rough things as an abrasive to clean their teeth – things like crushed eggshell, pumice the burnt hooves of animals!