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Saturday, December 4, 2010

This week at Discovery Park...

This week was pretty darn busy for me.  Coming back from vacation, I had a Computer Programming test and a Spanish presentation waiting for me.  It's nice to know, though, that when I need a little study break, Discovery Park has some great activities.  From the PS3 to the ping-pong tables to the piano, there's something for everyone.  Sometimes, we even have little programs going on. This week, there were two great programs that I just had to participate  in! 
First, the Student Development Center had a few tables out to make bookmarks and blankets for children.  The bookmarks went to at-risk pre-school children as an incentive to learn to read.  The blankets were for children who had lost their veteran parents overseas.  I made two bookmarks and helped with a blanket.  It was a very rewarding experience, and I love knowing that I did something that will make a child smile. 
I've put in a picture of Oscar, an engineering ambassador, making a blanket...

The other great program was a Paper Airplane Competition put on by the Transfer Center.  The rules for this one were pretty tough!  Our airplane MUST include (but is not limited to): 1 sheet of paper, 1 paperclip, 3 staples, and a bendy straw.  The hardest part was knowing what in the world to do with the straw!  Mine may not have gone the furthest (one went 25 feet, the other went backwards), but they are still in the running for the best design.  The winners of furthest flight and best design get a giftcard to the UNT bookstore, just in time for spring semester!
I've also put in a photo of my two planes... 

Thank goodness for study breaks!

Random Fact: Cereal was invented when colonial housewives started serving up popcorn with sugar and cream for breakfast.