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Friday, November 12, 2010

Rain, rain, go away!

Well the internet is currently down, so I figured now would be a great time to open Microsoft Word and write a blog!  What a day it’s been!  It feels like a whole week has gone by with the odd weather patterns we’ve had in the past 3 hours—clouds, sunshine, thunderstorm, blue sky, clouds, wind, mist.  Welcome to Texas! 
(…On a side note:  I’m sitting at a table at Discovery Park writing this blog when one of the academic advisors comes and sits down with me!  He just had a few extra minutes to talk about internships and scholarships.  It makes me feel so good when the staff and faculty actually know not only my name, but my whole story—where I’m from, my major, my goals, etc.) 
Back to the weather.  It doesn’t rain a whole lot in Texas, but when it rains, it POURS.  Since it’s such a flat area and the ground isn’t at all absorbent, my poor little car refuses to drive.  The tires will spin out when I accelerate, and the whole thing will fishtail when I drive over 30 mph. Come on, car, you’re a Tiburon.  Tiburon means shark.  Sharks are kind of awesome in the water.  I just don’t get it.
Luckily, UNT has an awesome bus system that will pick me up from my apartment and take me to school, so my little weenie car doesn’t have to worry about driving in the rain.  The bus fare is included in tuition, so I never have to search under the couch cushions for spare change at the last minute.  It runs pretty late, too, for those semesters when our only choice is to take a night class.
So a big “Thanks!” to the UNT bus system.
Now my only worry is what on earth I will make for dinner.
Random Fact:  When a fly lands, it will vomit 7 times.