Hey viewers!
It's been a while since I've posted a blog, I know! However, over the past few months, I have received several e-mails from you guys asking for information on a blog, requests, and just to say "Hello." It made me feel pretty good to know that people actually read the crazy stuff I post. In that case, I will try my hardest to post more frequently! I'll write a quick catch-up blog this weekend so y'all can know what's new with me...
For my first post in quite a while, I would like to point some attention at one of the professors at UNT. An employee of SoftwareEngineerInsider.com contacted me regarding an online article featuring Dr. Akl. It's a wonderful article discussing the current status of Software Engineer employment, how to be successful, and the Computer Science program at UNT. If you're considering Computer Science or Engineering as an undergrad OR graduate major, please please PLEASE check out this article!
Read some of the other stuff that SoftwareEngineerInsider has to offer, too! Great site :]